
Quality assurance forum

Registration with foreign Ministries

The CE marking of all Medical Devices  manufactured by Spencer Italia S.r.l., has been carried out as specified in the MDD 93/42/CE (and following revisions ) and with the application of the technical  requirements specified in the applicable normatives.

Thanks to this our products can circulate freely within the European Community.

Medical Devices sold in the countries outside the European Community  have undergone the processes of evalutation and are compliant to the requirements of the laws of the local Authorities.

In the section Documents/International Registrations certificates of Spencer products  issued bu Local Authorities can been consulted.

You can  download a complete list in pdf format or search for the code or product type in the archives using the form in this section.

IF any information you require cannot be found, you can send an email with your request to


N.B. Set just one search parameter.